Thanks to a question from RavenFeast, I finally got off my duff and decided to make one of my NTRPGCon adventures available here. I have several more of these that I intend to put up for sale somewhere, someday, but for now at least, you can grab a free copy of the post-apocalyptic "adventure" Rendezvous with Ruinator.
I put adventure in quotes up there because this is an adventure in only the loosest sense. It's really a set of notes that I used to run the adventure from. There are no stats, no numbers, no charts. Unique monsters, NPCs, and hazards are mentioned without any guidance on what they look like or what their abilities are. The whole thing is only 8 pages, including a cover and two-page map, and the map is only a schematic; it shows where places are in relation to other places but doesn't include doors or hallways.
That's how I enjoy running adventures at NTRPGCon—I rough out a general plan and then have the greatest fun riffing off the players' ideas and interactions. That goes double for Gamma World—I have a core group of terrific players who make it to my GW game every year, and they never fail to amaze me with their inventiveness and humor. With a group like that, the adventure practically writes itself.
I use 1st-edition Gamma World rules for these sessions in Dallas, but any post-apocalyptic game will work for Rendezvous with Ruinator. Mutant Future from Goblinoid Games and Broken Urthe from Wizardawn Entertainment are both fine, free, OSR alternatives, if you don't have a copy of Gamma World lurking on your shelves anymore.
A bit of background might help GMs get into this. My Dallas GW adventures are all based around the framing story of Professor Monkey, a super-intelligent chimp who roams Gamma Terra at the helm of the lumbering "Radium Powered Lab." Think a CDC emergency-response laboratory on legs, built in the wacked-out 23rd century. Prof. Monkey is part altruistic world-saver and part megolamaniacal empire-builder. He's assembled a crack team of lab assistants (who are always busy doing science at the Radium Powered Lab) and go-fers (the "#1 Fetch-It Squad"), who do the dangerous work of venturing out into the irradiated wilderness to investigate enigmas and bring artifacts back to the lab. Those are the PCs. With Prof. Monkey as a patron, the characters can start these adventures well-equipped and with a definite mission—which usually is, "find out what this funny blip on the Scan-o-Tron 360 is and bring me back something I can use from it."
Ruinator is a gigantic war machine a third of a mile long with a complex, thoroughly dysfunctional society living inside it. You could be forgiven for thinking that an adventure set inside an ancient war machine might lean heavily on the combat lever, but this is actually one of the most diplomacy-rich settings I've ever concocted. There's plenty of opportunity for whipping guns out of holsters and slicing off arms with vibroblades, but in the end, talking is what's going to win the day inside Ruinator.
And that's enough talking from me. Download Ruinator and have fun!
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Expect Things to Go Wrong

“Adventures, in retrospect, are pieces of extremely bad luck that missed a fatal ending.”
―Lawrence Griswold, Tombs, Travel and Trouble
It’s a shame that Lawrence Griswold isn’t better known these days. He was a real-life Indiana Jones, a Harvard-educated anthropologist and archaeologist who spent most of the 1920s and ‘30s carving trails through Guatemalan jungles in search of Mayan ruins and exploring the then-”lost world” island of Komodo, south of Borneo, where his expedition was the first to capture a live, adult Komodo dragon. A memoir of his adventures, Tombs, Travel and Trouble, was published in 1937, wherein he offered the humorously cynical view of adventure quoted above.
However much Griswold objects that “while (adventures) were happening to me, I cannot ever remember having been particularly pleased at the occasion,” or that he was generally “scared to death, too busy to think about it at all, or just damned annoyed” while his adventures were taking place, it’s obvious that in hindsight he loved every moment of it and wouldn’t trade his experiences for anything.
It would be foolish to expect adventures in roleplaying games to go any smoother than they do in real life. In fact, since our tabletop escapades never result in anyone really getting killed, injured, maimed, scarred, trapped in a labyrinthine tomb, or cast adrift in a rudderless boat for five days without water, they can afford to be even more thrill-filled than the real thing, the way a roller-coaster ride is more thrilling than a drive on the freeway.
Read the rest at Kobold Press ...
Friday, May 8, 2015
Dive Into the Unknown
Over at Kobold Press:
“… Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive―it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it?”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
In what I consider to be the very best types of roleplaying adventures and campaigns, both characters and players face situations where they don’t understand what’s happening and they’re being pushed to make decisions without crucial information. Sometimes they’re faced with a mystery, and filling in the missing information is the point of the adventure. Your opinion on that type of play might be different from mine; certainly there are players who like to feel as if they’re in control of the situation all the time. I don’t begrudge them their preference, but I do believe that they’re missing out on a huge quotient of enjoyment.
Most RPG settings are worlds of wonder. Whether you’re playing a fantasy game with magic and mythical beasts, a science fiction game with starships and aliens, a steampunk game with super-science and dinosaurs, or a post-modern game with vampires and murderous cults, the setting is rife with amazing things that don’t exist in real life. Experiencing the “wonders of the world” and uncovering its hidden truths can be a major thrust of the campaign, or it might be a sidelight. Either way, if players understand everything there is to know about the setting and the story they’re involved in, then I’d argue that the GM has made the world too small and too familiar.
Read the rest at Kobold Press ...
“… Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive―it’s such an interesting world. It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it?”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
In what I consider to be the very best types of roleplaying adventures and campaigns, both characters and players face situations where they don’t understand what’s happening and they’re being pushed to make decisions without crucial information. Sometimes they’re faced with a mystery, and filling in the missing information is the point of the adventure. Your opinion on that type of play might be different from mine; certainly there are players who like to feel as if they’re in control of the situation all the time. I don’t begrudge them their preference, but I do believe that they’re missing out on a huge quotient of enjoyment.
Most RPG settings are worlds of wonder. Whether you’re playing a fantasy game with magic and mythical beasts, a science fiction game with starships and aliens, a steampunk game with super-science and dinosaurs, or a post-modern game with vampires and murderous cults, the setting is rife with amazing things that don’t exist in real life. Experiencing the “wonders of the world” and uncovering its hidden truths can be a major thrust of the campaign, or it might be a sidelight. Either way, if players understand everything there is to know about the setting and the story they’re involved in, then I’d argue that the GM has made the world too small and too familiar.
Read the rest at Kobold Press ...
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
A Need for Speed
This week's Howling Tower blog specifically for players is posted over at Kobold Press. The topic is playing fast. I support it.
"Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in.”
That doesn’t mean your turn can’t take more than 10 seconds. It means you should answer the basic question, “what am I going to do this turn?,” in 10 seconds or less. Figuring out specifically how your character performs the chosen action within the allowances and restrictions of the rules can take substantially longer than that, especially if a fancy maneuver, an unusual weapon, or a complex magic spell is involved. But the basic question—”What am I going to do this turn?”—should be made quickly.
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"Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in.”
―NapolĂ©on Bonaparte
A combat turn in most RPGs represents 5 to 10 seconds. If you spend much more time than that deciding what to do on your turn, you’re wasting time.That doesn’t mean your turn can’t take more than 10 seconds. It means you should answer the basic question, “what am I going to do this turn?,” in 10 seconds or less. Figuring out specifically how your character performs the chosen action within the allowances and restrictions of the rules can take substantially longer than that, especially if a fancy maneuver, an unusual weapon, or a complex magic spell is involved. But the basic question—”What am I going to do this turn?”—should be made quickly.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2015
It's All About Teamwork
I've been so busy, I almost missed the latest posting of the second installment of my blogs for players over at But you shouldn't!
A group of RPG characters is like a U. S. Army Green Beret team or a Navy SEAL team. Every member of the squad has a specialty, and for the group to succeed, everyone needs to be on the job. That means cooperating with teammates and sticking to the plan when the world, in the guise of the GM, throws its full weight against the heroes and tries to cast them down in defeat.
The story (the adventure) has a villain, and he wants to win. His goal is not to provide the heroes with a heady challenge that fills their lives with excitement before they inevitably triumph over the villain’s ambition. That outcome is the exact opposite of the villain’s goal (unless your GM adheres to the idea that villains should have fatal personality flaws like those outlined in this i09 article on the 12 biggest blunders evil wizards make. A worthy villain will do everything in his power to prevent that outcome.
This doesn’t mean the GM is out to screw the players, but it does mean the challenges characters face won’t be easy. No one should expect to be allowed to skate through “for the sake of fun.” Before it’s all done, you should expect to be in a no-holds-barred fight to the death—meaning that if you lose, you die. In a situation like that, what could possibly be your motivation for working at cross-purposes to the team?
Read the rest at
A group of RPG characters is like a U. S. Army Green Beret team or a Navy SEAL team. Every member of the squad has a specialty, and for the group to succeed, everyone needs to be on the job. That means cooperating with teammates and sticking to the plan when the world, in the guise of the GM, throws its full weight against the heroes and tries to cast them down in defeat.
The story (the adventure) has a villain, and he wants to win. His goal is not to provide the heroes with a heady challenge that fills their lives with excitement before they inevitably triumph over the villain’s ambition. That outcome is the exact opposite of the villain’s goal (unless your GM adheres to the idea that villains should have fatal personality flaws like those outlined in this i09 article on the 12 biggest blunders evil wizards make. A worthy villain will do everything in his power to prevent that outcome.
This doesn’t mean the GM is out to screw the players, but it does mean the challenges characters face won’t be easy. No one should expect to be allowed to skate through “for the sake of fun.” Before it’s all done, you should expect to be in a no-holds-barred fight to the death—meaning that if you lose, you die. In a situation like that, what could possibly be your motivation for working at cross-purposes to the team?
Read the rest at
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Fifth Edition Foes: Monster List
In response to Calvin's request, here's the list of monsters in Fifth Edition Foes. Alternatively, you can grab this two-page PDF of Appendix A, which lists all the monsters by type and CR.
- Aaztar-Ghola
- Adherer
- Aerial Servant
- Algoid
- Amphoron of Yothri: Worker
- Amphoron of Yothri: Warrior
- Amphoron of Yothri: Juggernaut
- Ant Lion
- Ape, Flying
- Aranea
- Arcanoplasm
- Artificer of Yothri
- Ascomoid
- Assassin Bug
- Astral Moth
- Astral Shark
- Aurumvorax
- Basilisk, Crimson
- Basilisk, Greater
- Bat: Doombat
- Beetle, Giant Rhinoceros
- Beetle, Giant Slicer
- Beetle, Giant Water
- Biclops
- Blood Hawk
- Blood Orchid
- Blood Orchid Savant
- Blood Orchid Grand Savant
- Bloodsuckle
- Bloody Bones
- Boalisk
- Bone Cobbler
- Boneneedle, Greater
- Boneneedle, Lesser
- Bonesucker
- Borsin
- Brass Man
- Brume
- Burning Dervish
- Cadaver
- Cadaver Lord
- Carbuncle
- Caryatid Column
- Cat, Feral Undead
- Caterprism
- Catfish, Giant Electric
- Catoblepas
- Cave Cricket
- Cave Eel
- Cave Fisher
- Cave Leech
- Centipede Nest
- Cerebral Stalker
- Chain Worm
- Chaos Knight
- Chupacabra
- Church Grim
- Churr
- Cimota
- Cimota Guardian
- Cimota, High
- Clam, Giant
- Clamor
- Cobra Flower
- Coffer Corpse
- Cooshee
- Corpse Rook
- Corpsespinner
- Corpsespun
- Crabman
- Crayfish, Monstrous
- Crimson Death
- Crypt Thing
- Dagon
- Dark Creeper
- Dark Stalker
- Darnoc
- Death Dog
- Death Worm
- Decapus
- Demon Prince: Teratashia
- Demon Prince: Thalasskpotis
- Demonic Knight
- Denizen of Leng
- Dire Corby
- Dracolisk
- Drake, Fire
- Drake, Ice
- Dust Digger
- Eblis
- Ectoplasm
- Eel, Giant Moray
- Eel, Gulper
- Elusa Hound
- Encephalon Gorger
- Exoskeleton: Giant Ant
- Exoskeleton: Giant Beetle
- Exoskeleton: Giant Crab
- Fear Guard
- Fen Witch
- Fetch
- Fire Crab, Greater
- Fire Crab, Lesser
- Fire Snake
- Flail Snail
- Flowershroud
- Foo Dog
- Forester's Bane
- Froghemoth
- Fungoid
- Fungus Bat
- Fyr
- Gallows Tree
- Gallows Tree Zombie
- Gargoyle: Four-Armed
- Gargoyle, Fungus
- Gargoyle, Green Guardian
- Gargoyle: Margoyle
- Genie: Hawanar
- Ghost-Ammonite
- Giant Slug of P'nakh
- Giant, Jack-in-Irons
- Gillmonkey
- Gloom Crawler
- Gnarlwood
- Gohl (Hydra Cloud)
- Golden Cat
- Golem, Flagstone
- Golem, Furnace
- Golem, Stone Guardian
- Golem, Wooden
- Gorbel
- Gorgimera
- Gorilla Bear
- Green Brain
- Gray Nisp
- Grimm
- Gripple
- Grue, Type 1
- Grue, Type 2
- Hanged Man
- Hangman Tree
- Hawktoad
- Helix Moth
- Hieroglyphicroc
- Hippocampus
- Hoar Fox
- Horsefly, Giant
- Huggermugger
- Igniguana
- Jackal of Darkness
- Jaculi
- Jelly, Mustard
- Jupiter Bloodsucker
- Kamadan
- Kampfult
- Kech
- Kelp Devil
- Kelpie
- Khargra
- Korred
- Kurok-spirit
- Land Lamprey
- Lava Child
- Leng Spider
- Leopard, Snow
- Leucrotta, Adult
- Leucrotta, Young
- Lithonnite
- Magmoid
- Mandragora
- Mandrill
- Mantari
- Midnight Peddler
- Mite
- Mite, Pestie
- Mummy of the Deep
- Murder Crow
- Naga: Hanu-naga
- Olive Slime
- Olive Slime Zombie
- Ooze, Glacial
- Ooze, Magma
- Origami Warrior
- Pech
- Phycomid
- Pleistocene Animals: Brontotherium
- Pleistocene Animals: Hyaenodon
- Pleistocene Animals: Mastodon
- Pleistocene Animals: Woolly Rhinoceros
- Pudding, Blood
- Pyrolisk
- Quadricorn
- Quickwood
- Rat, Shadow
- Red Jester
- Ronus
- Russet Mold
- Ryven
- Sandling
- Screaming Devilkin
- Scythe Tree
- Sea Serpent, Brine
- Sea Serpent, Deep Hunter
- Sea Serpent, Fanged
- Sea Serpent, Shipbreaker
- Sea Serpent, Spitting
- Seahorse, Giant
- Sepulchral Guardian
- Shadow Mastiff
- Shadow, Lesser
- Shroom
- Skeleton Warrior
- Skeleton, Stygian
- Skelzi
- Skulk
- Slithering Tracker
- Soul Reaper
- Stegocentipede
- Strangle Weed
- Tabaxi
- Taer
- Tangtal
- Tazelwurm
- Temporal Crawler
- Tendriculos
- Tentacled Horror
- Therianthrope: Foxwere
- Therianthrope: Lionwere
- Therianthrope: Owlwere
- Therianthrope: Wolfwere
- Treant, Lightning
- Tri-flower Frond
- Triton, Dark
- Troll, Spectral
- Troll, Two-headed
- Tunnel Prawn
- Tunnel Worm
- Vampire Rose
- Vegepygmy Commoner, Worker
- Vegepygmy Guard
- Vegepygmy Chief
- Volt
- Vorin
- Vulchling
- Lava Weird
- Were-mist
- Weredactyl
- Widow Creeper
- Witch Grass
- Witherstench
- Yellow Musk Creeper
- Yellow Musk Zombie
- Zombie Raven
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Fifth Edition Foes: The Bone Cobbler
Now that PDFs of the Necromancer Games 5E books are rolling out, I finally have time to write some of the previews that should have been done, oh, four months ago while the Kickstarter was still running. Reviews of Fifth Edition Foes have been very positive, and let me tell you, it's great to hear strong reviews after so many months of work.
Offered here is one monster from 5EF that illustrates some of our approach. I won't say the bone cobbler typifies the book, because no single entry can be "typical" of a book containing 252 monsters. It's an example of how we went for monsters with strong story implications and with the potential to become far more dangerous than their raw numbers imply, in the hands of a GM who respects those story angles.
The bone cobbler doesn't belong on anyone's random encounters table. This is a creature that deserves to have an entire short adventure, or at least a detailed lair encounter, devised around it. Animate Bones is a great cinematic ability, and Bonestripping should put fear in the heart of every low-level adeventurer. If this thing gets you alone for four minutes, you aren't just dead; you're gone beyond hope of recovery by much of anything short of divine intervention. A GM who uses a bone cobbler needs to construct its lair like the set of a black-and-white gothic horror film, with plenty of secret doors that victims can be pulled through after all their companions have marched past, or trap doors that open silently under the last person in line and drop them into the bone cobbler's lair, where they're finished off by horrific skeletal abominations. The victim's friends have three minutes to recover the body, which is a tall order considering they probably don't know where it is and might not even know that the person is missing, if the GM did things correctly!
In other words, the bone cobbler is a ready-made Jeepers Creepers horror-movie villain waiting to be sprung on characters.
Just as important, however, is the fact that Fifth Edition Foes doesn't explain all of that for you. You might think that's because of space restrictions in the book, or is just laziness on our part, but in fact, we prefer to leave things like that unstated. Why? Because it's more fun for GMs to figure out for themselves. We believe GMs enjoy thinking about these sorts of things; why else would they be GMs? A book that does all the readers' thinking for them robs them of all those delicious "aha!" moments. Possibly worse, it assumes that our creativity is better than yours, and that's beyond deflating, it's an insult.
So that's a brief introduction to some of the philosophy underpinning Fifth Edition Foes. If you didn't get in on the Kickstarter, you can still buy the book in hardcover + PDF or just PDF through the Frog God Games website. The book has quite a few reviews at ENWorld and also has an extensive discussion thread there, and Sobran ran a multipart look at the book and some of our CR assignments on his Fantastic Frontier blog.
In coming days, I'll look at more of the monsters I found most interesting in 5EF, plus Quests of Doom and Lost Spells, of course!
Offered here is one monster from 5EF that illustrates some of our approach. I won't say the bone cobbler typifies the book, because no single entry can be "typical" of a book containing 252 monsters. It's an example of how we went for monsters with strong story implications and with the potential to become far more dangerous than their raw numbers imply, in the hands of a GM who respects those story angles.
The bone cobbler doesn't belong on anyone's random encounters table. This is a creature that deserves to have an entire short adventure, or at least a detailed lair encounter, devised around it. Animate Bones is a great cinematic ability, and Bonestripping should put fear in the heart of every low-level adeventurer. If this thing gets you alone for four minutes, you aren't just dead; you're gone beyond hope of recovery by much of anything short of divine intervention. A GM who uses a bone cobbler needs to construct its lair like the set of a black-and-white gothic horror film, with plenty of secret doors that victims can be pulled through after all their companions have marched past, or trap doors that open silently under the last person in line and drop them into the bone cobbler's lair, where they're finished off by horrific skeletal abominations. The victim's friends have three minutes to recover the body, which is a tall order considering they probably don't know where it is and might not even know that the person is missing, if the GM did things correctly!
In other words, the bone cobbler is a ready-made Jeepers Creepers horror-movie villain waiting to be sprung on characters.
Just as important, however, is the fact that Fifth Edition Foes doesn't explain all of that for you. You might think that's because of space restrictions in the book, or is just laziness on our part, but in fact, we prefer to leave things like that unstated. Why? Because it's more fun for GMs to figure out for themselves. We believe GMs enjoy thinking about these sorts of things; why else would they be GMs? A book that does all the readers' thinking for them robs them of all those delicious "aha!" moments. Possibly worse, it assumes that our creativity is better than yours, and that's beyond deflating, it's an insult.
So that's a brief introduction to some of the philosophy underpinning Fifth Edition Foes. If you didn't get in on the Kickstarter, you can still buy the book in hardcover + PDF or just PDF through the Frog God Games website. The book has quite a few reviews at ENWorld and also has an extensive discussion thread there, and Sobran ran a multipart look at the book and some of our CR assignments on his Fantastic Frontier blog.
In coming days, I'll look at more of the monsters I found most interesting in 5EF, plus Quests of Doom and Lost Spells, of course!
Friday, February 20, 2015
Howling Tower Returns to Kobold Press

Welcome to the end of the Howling Tower hiatus—thanks for coming! The Tower has been silent for too long. During the past year, I’ve been so occupied with huge writing projects that no time or energy was left over for small ones. Lots of good things came out of the past year — Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat for Kobold Press, and a trio of Fifth Edition books published by Necromancer Games: Fifth Edition Foes, Lost Spells, and Quests of Doom. But now that those massive projects are wrapped up, the light is flickering again atop the creepy tower at the dismal end of the valley, and eerie wailing can be heard wafting through the pre-dawn mist again.
This six-part series of columns will be aimed squarely at RPG players instead of GMs. Gamemasters have reams of material to peruse when they want advice on how to do their jobs better, but the pickings can be slim where players are concerned. The goal is to help readers develop better roleplaying habits and attitudes so they can get the most enjoyment from their time around the game table.
Just because the advice is aimed at the players’ side of the screen doesn’t mean GMs should look away. They’re sure to find some useful tidbits here, too. You can’t be a good GM without understanding where your players are coming from.
Most of what we’ll cover can be summed up succinctly in two words: embrace immersion. The more you suspend disbelief and think like a character instead of like a player, the richer your experience becomes. That little gem of an idea has many facets to explore.
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Friday, January 23, 2015
Fifth Edition Foes is Available (in PDF)
It took longer than we wanted, but the first of the Necromancer Games books for Fifth Edition is ready -- Fifth Edition Foes, with 250 more monsters to challenge adventurers.
If you didn't get in on the Kickstarter action, you can still order the book directly through the Frog God Games website. If you want a printed copy, I highly recommend pre-ordering, because the print run will be very close to the pre-order number. If you don't pre-order, there's a strong chance the printed copies will sell out before you get one.
If you didn't get in on the Kickstarter action, you can still order the book directly through the Frog God Games website. If you want a printed copy, I highly recommend pre-ordering, because the print run will be very close to the pre-order number. If you don't pre-order, there's a strong chance the printed copies will sell out before you get one.
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